Honor the legacy of a woman (living or ancestor) that has left a meaningful impact on your life, your community, your world.
She isn't famous, but she meant and still means the world to you. She has left an indelible impression on everyone; within her family, in the neighborhood, at church, everyone who knew her. Whether you knew her as Mother, Mommy, Gran, Nana, Auntie, Cousin, Sis, play Sis, Teacher - she was the backbone of family, led by example, kept your confidences, and maybe she still does. IAWH would like to honor these phenomenal women and their lives, show their faces, and acknowledge the meaningful impact they made or continue to make.... BECOME A FRIEND OF IAWH and sponsor our programs and activities and we will "say her name", honor that special woman and magnify her legacy by inspiring others through her example.
"We had a special bond. She knew and kept my secrets growing up."
"She showed me that I deserved more, so now I demand more."
"She believed in me and helped pay for my college tuition."
"She still is the anchor and spiritual leader and matriarch of our family."
"I never knew her, but I was named after her."
"She's my sister. She's my rock."

Keeps the Lights On
Through your generous sponsorship of IAWH, you help us maintain the most basic of services like keeping our website up and running and our Post Office box open.
Your sponsorship allows us to use the most current and professional grade platforms to deliver timely, relevant, and evidence-based women's health programs and provide you with information every month.
Thank you.

Makes Future Women's Health Presentations Possible
An institute is an organizational body created for a certain purpose. Your sponsorship makes us possible.
The Institute for the Advancement of Women’s Health (IAWH) is a non-profit organization. Founded in Woodbridge, VA, we connect rural, urban, suburban, exurban, and international, multicultural women of all the ages with evidence-based information to support a woman’s decision making about health care.
We conduct and apply community-based, public health research that leads to women becoming more knowledgeable and better informed participants on their health care and well-being journey.

Supports our Student Interns
IAWH is fertile ground for providing university students with real world work and learning opportunities. For the first time this year, IAWH is mentoring and guiding young adults as they perform evidence-based research, develop messages about women’s health, advance timely and innovative approaches to elevating and educating women about health and wellness while broadening and strengthening the IAWH audience. Interns are an essential part of the team providing you with more valuable content and opportunities to learn and protect your health. This year your sponsorship will provide students with unique opportunities like:
access to a lecture with Dr. Anthony Fauci on the nation’s future with COVID-19
access to a national lecture on the effectiveness of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), an anti-HIV medication that keeps HIV negative people from becoming infected and effectiveness in the U.S. campaign to End the HIV Epidemic
a discounted student membership to the American Public Health Association (APHA), and
a small stipend that can help defray the cost of student life.

Allows Us Latitude to Explore New Projects
We'll bet you don't know what goes into the hours and hours of development of an IAWH program. We identify an interesting topic and then conduct rigorous, evidence-based research on how the health topic uniquely impacts women. We then invite proven subject matter experts to speak and lead our discussions. We then develop and execute a promotion and outreach plan that involves the use of social media, blog, letters of invitation, email, and even word of mouth.
We love this work!
In the future we will explore new topics and revisit others, such as Autoimmune diseases (Lupus and Fibromyalgia), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, HIV and Women, Racism as a Public Health Issue Mental Health topics like Depression and Anxiety, Bipolar Disorders, and Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Choose Your Sponsorship Level

Makes IAWH Even More Yours
In a very real way, the COVID-19 pandemic brought us together - us from our home offices, kitchens, and living rooms to you in yours.
We surely like you and based on the feedback that we regularly receive and your responses to our communication we believe you like us too.
In an effort to grow our community we want to be sensitive to your needs, explore areas of women's health that are of most interest to you, and develop programs and activities - even in-person activities when we are again able, that satisfy your needs.
Help us make IAWH more yours. Stay in touch with us, we respond to all requests.

IAWH is a 501c3 Non Profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.